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Our Team

Jess Divine: Ms. Divine
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My name is Jess Divine, you can call me Miss Divine; I am the director of Iron and Pine Preschool.

I have worked in the field of early education for a decade! I have had the opportunity to explore and experience an incredible range of educational philosophies, skills, situations, and classrooms. All of these experiences have been working with children ranging in age from 4 weeks old to seven years old.

My experience ranges from private care, to working as the Bilingual interpreter in early ed. classrooms, to a lead infant toddler/preschool teacher for an Early Head Start/Head Start program, to working in our very own local Waldorf K-8th program in their Waldorf preschool program. 


I learned early-on in my professional life that I was passionate about early childhood education, and after exploring the various teaching philosophies, it became very clear to me that the Waldorf philosophy was the one that resonated with my heart and my work as an educator/director. I, and my staff, are continually enrolled in Waldorf teacher enrichment training for Early Education. I am always looking for new ways to improve myself, my program, and continually expand my knowledge of early education to help support my staff and our families in the development of the whole child. 


My reverent and intentional approach to education reflects my personal outlook on life, and is aligned with my continual dedication to myself as both a teacher and person. Being present and authentic with the young child, intentionality, humor,  creating beauty with and for the child, humility and daily self reflection, trusting/respecting each child’s unique process of growth, and modeling reverence for all aspects of life is the synopsis of my personal teaching philosophy. In today’s world technology and fast paced lifestyles dominate our reality making it all the more crucial that we as educators create a safe haven for childhood: where children can grow in alignment with their truest highest selves and give back to society what has been lost and or forgotten. 


I am excited and humbled by the opportunity to be a teacher to your child during this incredible and magical period of growth in their lives. 


Spanish Enrichment/Associate Teacher:
Yolanda Ordonez: Mrs. Yolanda

       My name is Yolanda Ordonez. I'm from Cadiz, South Spain. I am a wife and the mother of two wonderful little girls and I am so excited to be a part of this dynamic and loving community.


       I've studied multiple subjects in my life while living in Spain including: Social Education in Granada, Tourism in Cadiz and Circus School in Granada. I've worked in an infant social center in Barcelona, art/theater recreation camps for children in Madrid in addition to private care of children across all ages primarily infant to preschool age.

        It's a pleasure to work in this education center. I love Waldorf philosophy and I am enrolled in two online Waldorf education courses that I will complete before the start of our upcoming school year. Learn more about these two courses in the links provided: 


1st Course:

Welcome to LIfeways!


2nd Course:

Celebrating: Understanding, Creating and Living the holidays with intention


By the end of September I am scheduled to have the four core California State approved Early Education courses via Theoria College to be a fully licenesed teacher. Check in with Ms. Divine if you have questions concerning these topics.


         While at Iron and Pine Preschool I am eager to support with the continued Spanish enrichment including: repeating words/phrases/songs/verses in Spanish after lead teacher during circle time, puppet shows, daily transition verses, and dialouge with the class. Please reach out to me if you need additional childcare outside of school hours!

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this community.

Associate Teacher/Enrichment Teacher
Robin Harp: Mr. Robin

       Robin Harp has been a Teacher’s Assistant and has provided Music Enrichment for our school for the past two years. He presently is focusing on launching his children's album and planning his album tour as well as private lessons! He works at our school now as mainly our Music Enrichment teacher who will substitute and or help on busy days at our preschool. He has worked at Madrone Grove Private School, and is also a private nanny for some of his music students. Robin is a father of 4 and a new grandfather! Originally from Boulder CO, he moved to Nevada County in 2001. Robin has a variety of experience working in preschools, with elementary aged children, and in a church setting. Robin has taught music and performed his songs about taking care of ourselves, each other, and the planet we live on for nearly 30 years. If you are interested in private music lessons with Mr. Robin he teaches beginning guitar/ukulele ages pre to k "Making Friends With Music" for $40 per lesson! He teaches these lessons at the preschool or at the students home. He is also the creator of a workshop called Parenting With Wisdom, which he taught at Unity of Boulder for many years. He is a resource for parents who may want a little calming advice on how to improve the harmony in their family lives and in relationship with their kids. He has been an excellent addition to our team and we look forward to many years with Mr. Robin at Iron & Pine Preschool! 

 Substitute: Elena Cortese: Miss. Elena

       Hello everyone! Elena here, some of you may know me and some of you may not. I am Lilly's mama. Miss Divine is Lilly's Godmother. I have been working at this preschool on and off for nearly four and a half years now. I started volunteering during Lilly's first year at Iron and Pine Preschool. I was completely blown away and impressed with this incredible preschool!  I am so grateful that I have this opportunity to work as a substitute as a teacher and as a support in Administration Services for the school. Waldorf education has been a beautiful and healing discovery as I dive deeper into my journey learning the principles of a truly enriching and meaningful education philosophy that resides authentically upon the intentionality of the teacher to help bring out a child's true authentic self. Waldorf education to my understanding seeks to customize a child's experience at school by meeting children where they are at while respecting their individuality and bringing a reverence for the changing world around them.  

      Here's a little bit about Lilly and myself! We absolutely love being outside! We love gardening and growing flowers as well as vegetables. Lilly and I love taking our dogs on hikes, and cuddling with our kitties at home! I transitioned back into elderly care to accomodate my daughter's home school needs and I also work for 211 Services at night, and on Thursday's I work at Deer Creek Elementary in my daughter's classroom.

       Iron and Pine Preschool is a magical place! I have never in my life seen someone that loves and cares and understands children more than Miss Divine. It is an honor to be a part of the staff of this amazing School! My coworkers are my community and fast friends. Ms. Rane and I were among the first families to enroll in this school four years ago and we have yet to leave even though are wee ones have flown away! I'm just so excited to see what the future holds in this beautiful life within our school and this incredible County we live in! 

Substitute: Yamileth Mora: Ms. Mora

Mi nombre es Yamileth Mora , soy de San Jose, Costa Rica.  

Madre de dos hijos varones y abuela de dos hermosas nietas Florencia de 8 anos  y Luciana de 5 anos , actualmente viven en Costa Rica.

Me declaro enamorada del sentimiento mas puro que conlleva compartir con ninos y ninas . Amo la fascinacion que su mente manifiesta a traves de sus actitudes y acciones que mucha veces me han dejado sorprendida e inclusive sin respuesta de manera inmediata. Su poder magico de ver la vida libre de toda contaminacion y pureza en su entorno  cada dia me cautiva mas y me hace en lo personal volver a ser nina para poder acercarme mas a ellos y generar  la confianza suficiente y asi  fortalezar la relacion que debe existir.

Vivo en Grass Valley hace tres anos y he tenido la oportunidad de cuidar de ninos y ninas  en diferentes familias lo que me aportado mas conocimiento en desarrollar una calidad de experiencia  para  el trato y buen cuidado de los ninos en una cultura de ideologia diferente a la mia.

He tenido la oprtunidad de ensenar a ninos y ninas un poco de mi idioma espanol y  es gratificante el la capacidad que los ninos y ninas por su edad tienen para el aprendizaje de un segundo idioma.

Conozco a Jess desde hace dos años y medio y he ayudado en la escuela de vez en cuando. Nos hemos convertido en queridos amigos y pasamos mucho tiempo juntos fuera del trabajo y disfrutamos de ir a la iglesia católica, hacer proyectos manuales y bailar. Ahora estoy completando mis Unidades de Educación Temprana con el apoyo de las escuelas y creando una oportunidad de inmersión en español en el Preescolar Iron and Pine. Estaré aquí 2/3 días a la semana y también apoyaré con la sustitución en mis días libres.¡Comuníquese conmigo si necesita cuidado de niños adicional fuera del horario escolar o en nuestras vacaciones escolares! ¡Es una alegría ser parte de esta hermosa escuela!

En Costa Rica trabaje como asistende de maestro en una guarderia “ Amaru”. 

My name is Yamileth Mora, I am from San Jose, Costa Rica.

Mother of two sons and grandmother of two beautiful granddaughters, Florencia, 8 years old, and Luciana, 5 years old, currently living in Costa Rica.

I declare myself in love with the purest feeling that comes with sharing with boys and girls. I love the fascination that his mind manifests through his attitudes and actions that many times have left me surprised and even without an immediate response. Their magical power to see life free of all contamination and purity in their environment every day captivates me more and makes me personally become a girl again to be able to get closer to them and generate enough trust and thus strengthen the relationship that must exist. 

I have lived in Grass Valley for three years and I have had the opportunity to take care of boys and girls in different families and in local Waldorf home program, Madrone Grove. It gave me more knowledge in developing a quality of experience for the treatment and good care of children in a culture with a different ideology than my own.

I have had the opportunity to teach boys and girls a bit of my Spanish language and it is gratifying the capacity that boys and girls have for learning a second language due to their age.

I have known Jess for two and a half years and I have helped out at the school off and on. We have become dear friends and spend lots of time together outside of work and enjoy going to Catholic church, doing handwork projects, and dancing. I am now completing my Early Education Units with the schools support and creating a Spanish emersion opportunity at Iron and Pine Preschool. I will be here 2/3 days per week and also support with substituting on my off days. Please reach out to me if you need additional childcare outside of school hours or on our school breaks! It is a joy to be apart of this lovely school!

In Costa Rica I worked as a teacher's assistant in an "Amaru" kindergarten.

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Enrichment Teacher
Luke Hefele: Teacher Luke

Hey Everyone! I'm Luke. It's great just to know this movement exists, efforts to fundamentally improve the education for our kids. I spent my middle school and high school in Philadelphia in a Quaker based education, Germantown Friends School. I graduated in 2002. I appreciate the perspective it gave me, the ability to question and to think for myself. The Quakers were part of many revolutionary acts and peaceful social protests during the early days of this country, and vocal during times of war and crises. More and more I'm feeling like I'm pulled to be a part of that revolutionary history.   


I've been facilitating arts education in Northern California since 2010. I was based out of Sonoma County in Sebastopol until the current escalation of what was already a huge crisis that small businesses, education, families and communities were up against. The task of finding our way in these bizarre and intense times has been a global challenge. Maintaining the highest principles in my role as an educator in my areas of skill and passion has been essential to how I have coped as a single parent, a small business owner uprooted by Covid, and as a human being trying to navigate the ever changing landscape of our new reality with as much compassion, awareness, and truth.


My focus in the arts has been movement: martial arts and dance. I ran a non profit movement arts space in Sebastopol called SHDWBX (shadowbox) with my focus being its Capoeira program, Brazilian Dance, Martial Arts, and Social Tool.  I had a large community of families, and individuals involved. I hosted special guests, influential figures in specific fields, and events covering a large range of topics with a focus on lineage based and ancestral arts. Aside from traditional and modern movement arts, I have a diverse art background.  Since the early 2000's I have been a student of Tom Brown Jr. and The Tracker School, a wilderness arts and earth skills survival school based in The Pine Barrens of New Jersey. The Tracker School community is what brought me to Nevada County, working as an instructor at 4 Elements Earth Education. Since I was a teenager, I worked in the restaurant industry holding almost every position from dishwasher up and eventually ending up as a cook and a chef. In Sebastopol, with support from the Sebastopol Community Center, I started multiple programs at a local charter middle school: culinary arts, wilderness and earth skills, and dance and martial arts. I'm also a visual artist, mainly drawing and painting, and I have been an aspiring musician since I was a kid as well.


I'm a single dad. I have my 11 year old daughter who is with me every other month. Her mom lives in Grants Pass, Oregon. Since the start of the school year in fall 2020, we have been homeschooling, registered in Oregon. I've also started an enrichment class at Iron and Pine Preschool in Nevada City for a little over 2 years now . One of Capoeira's strengths is in community creation and it makes me happy to be able to say my community is growing. 

Capoeira is coming Mondays to the Miners Foundry in Nevada City. Come learn and train the social art of Capoeira, the dance-fight-game, in Nevada City. Classes for families, kids, and adults! Starting Monday, August 14th!!


Kids ages 3-5 @ 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 

Kids ages 6+ @ 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. 

Teens and Adults @ 7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. 



Classes also continuing at The Rough and Ready Grange on Wednesdays!


Kids ages 5-7 @ 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. 

Kids ages 8+ @ 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 

Teens and Adults @ 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 



$10/month membership to pay per class drop in price $20-25/class. Unlimited monthly membership is $80/month for individuals or $120/month for families.

More than what you'll find if you google "capoeira", I see Capoeira as a social tool for helping people explore their potential as humans, a forum for celebrating each other and a theatre to play with societal dynamics.  Its pedagogical roots are in tribal methods, the way our ancestors taught and learned, through fun, songs, games and creativity. 

If you're interested in learning more or attending a class feel free to message me or checkout my website:


Thank you all for caring about our kids' futures, which is the future of this world. I'm excited to see where we go this year.

Kara Miller:
            Lead Teacher for 3 years at Iron and Pine Preschool, currently available for therapy at Once Upon A Time Therapy Center in Grass Valley. She continues to support our school as a behavior management consultant with the current student and families at Iron and Pine Preschool. Kara Miller is available to mediate parent conferences, group parent education meetings, and supporting our current team with classroom management, parent outreach, staff professional development, health/wellness and many other areas of expertise. She is an invaluable asset to our community and my preschool. 

           Ms. D

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